Cape Union Mart, a renowned multi-chain retailer based in Cape Town, South Africa, partnered with Enhance Retail to improve efficiencies in their e-commerce studio. By implementing Profoto StyleShoots technology, they were able to streamline their content creation processes and position themselves as leaders in the South African market. The integration of Profoto's user-friendly technology has allowed them to produce high-quality visual content more efficiently, resulting in faster time-to-market and increased volume of product images.

The implementation of Profoto StyleShoots equipment in Cape Union Mart's studio has created significant improvements in their operations. The technology enabled them to achieve consistency in visual representation across their websites, catering to various brands with different style guides. By combining mannequin and model photography, they accelerated their time-to-market, allowing products to go live online quickly. The simplified capturing and exporting process not only saved time but also empowered the team, including stylists, to effortlessly handle photography roles.

This seamless integration of Profoto technology into their existing infrastructure and workflow streamlined studio processes and enabled Cape Union Mart to produce a greater volume of high-quality content, including videos, while utilising fewer resources. This strategic combination of exceptional staff and innovative technology has solidified their position as a market leader in South Africa.